* Necessary fields
Civility :
Name : *
Surname : *
Email : *
Address :
Postal code : :
City :
Country :
Tel 1 :
Fax :
You are :
  Your question concerns
Destination :

Number of travellers : Adults Children:
Period :
Type of room :
Hotel name :
Hotel type :
Formule :
Type of trip :
Other remarks :

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Yalos Tours

14 Trivonianou str., 11636 ATHENS GREECE
Tel. : (0030)210 92 48 919 - (0030) 210 92 48 950-1 Fax :(0030)210 92 48 690
E-mail : info@yalostours.gr - yalosgr@otenet.gr

Licence GNTO* : 04341 (Greece National Tourism Organization)
Member of HATTA** ( Hellenic Association Tourism Travel Agency)